7 Plumbing Problems You’ve Been Putting Off

As you sweep up the confetti from New Years, it is time to start thinking about what you need to tackle first this year. The guests are gone, the store room has space once again, and this may be the perfect time to get to those pesky plumbing problems you were putting off because of the holidays. Don’t wait until you have the pressure of the next event or season to contend with, go ahead and get things fixed today.

Here are 7 plumbing problems that people tend to put off because of the holidays:

  1. Broken Toilets. If you have an extra bathroom, you may have decided it was easier to just wait on repairing or replacing a toilet that stopped working when you were in the middle of holiday crunch mode.
  2. Luke Warm Hot Water. You may not be taking cold showers but they sure aren’t hot anymore. Don’t try to limp through another month with a hot water tank that isn’t living up to its name sake.
  3. Clogged Sewers. Maybe your basement hasn’t flooded with sewage but you’ve been aware of some drainage issues, extra odors, or backups. Don’t go another day without taking care of that risky situation.
  4. Burst Pipes. It happens too often, people forget to drain outdoor pipes before the first hard freeze and something bursts. Don’t wait until summer to get things taken care of.  Remember you will likely be busier then; take care of it now so you aren’t surprised when you rediscover it in a few months.
  5. Leaky Sink or Facet. You were able to limp through the holidays but don’t let a broken facet be an annoyance or a water wasting problem any longer than it needs to be. Get it taken care of.
  6. Broken Garbage Disposal. This is an easier appliance to live without for a little while, but don’t allow a temporary inconvenience to become a permanent problem. Get that disposal repaired or replaced.
  7. Gas Fireplace Problems. It was a shame you couldn’t use the fireplace for Christmas, but this is only the second or third week of winter. Get that thing fixed right away, there is still lots of time to enjoy it this season!

We know you aren’t likely dealing with all of these problems, but we have learned it is too easy for a short term issue to become a long term problem. We’ve seen people who meant to fix things go for months and even years with broken plumbing because they just couldn’t seem to get around to it.

You have plumbing for the safety and convenience it brings; keep things maintained to enjoy both benefits all year long.