Clogs, Chemicals, And Safer Ways To Clean Drains

What’s the best answer for a clogged drain or sewer system? The usual response is chemicals, heavy duty chemicals, and lots of them!  And while this approach can be effective, there can be costly consequences, both to the environment and your plumbing.

A Formula For Damaged Pipes

Clogged sewers, drains, pipes, and septic systems are often the result of years of bio mater, fats, waste solids, and other organic materials building up to coat the insides of pipes and restrict flow.  Many of today’s major cleaning products contain chemicals like sodium hydroxide, hypochlorite, and other agents which cause a caustic reaction.  Upon entering your pipes, the chemical mixture actives and can heat, fume, and even boil as it works to dissolve clogs.

While that may not sound so bad, keep in mind that all of the energy being created to eat away clogs can also eat away at your pipes.  You may end up with cleaner pipes, as well as thinner pipes, and sometimes leaky pipes.  Not to mention that the chemicals are very dangerous if spilled or leaked and their fumes can be quite hazardous.  Plus, they do whatever they do quickly and then fizzle out, whether the job is done or not.  And not long after you need to repeat the process and the risks.

Bio Cleaners – Attacking the Problem, Not Your Pipes

Bio cleaners on the other hand operate under a completely different principle.  They are a green solution, a natural answer to natural problem. Instead of chemically burning out the clogs and the pipes, bio agents utilize natural bacterial agents to eat away the organic matter causing the clogs.  They work to treat current clogs, keep pipes clear, and prevent future clogs.

It works like this, the bio agents contain certain enzymes that when activated begin to digest the organic material in your pipes, such as: grease, hair, soap scum, food particles, paper, cotton, etc.  But these bacterial enzymes have no impact at all on inorganic materials, like plastic pipes.  The fumes aren’t concentrated or toxic, and the benefits continue on and on.  As long as there is gunk to digest, the bacteria continue to multiply, doubling every 30 minutes! The more gunk in your pipes the more the enzymes ramp up for the task.

Preventing Problems

And if your home or business is prone to clogged pipes, septic systems, or grease traps, you can proactively treat your system on a regular basis to prevent buildup and inconvenience clogs can cause.  This can be done regularly and without any risk or damage to your pipes.

In fact automatic systems are available to add a pre-programmed amount of good bacteria to your system to keep things running smooth, which can be very important if your business centers around kitchens, public restrooms, or multi-unit housing.

So be mindful of what goes into your pipes and treat the cause of the problem, not just the symptoms.  Your pipes, lungs, and the environment will be all the better for it.