Water Filtration
Buy a filter ... or be a filter. If a filter doesn't take out the bad stuff, your body will. Today’s public water processing may leave numerous chemicals and organic byproducts in your drinking water (in some situations well water can be just as contaminated). Sometimes, trace amounts of 100 or more chemicals can be found in a single sample of tap water.
These chemicals don’t just impact the inside of your body, but also your skin, hair, and eyes. Filtering them out can make a big difference in overall health.
We provide two major types of filtration systems. Whole House Systems, which filter every drop that goes into your house and Point of Use Systems, which filter your drinking water at a point of your choosing.
Whole House Filtration Systems
Point of Use Filtration
For more information or to get a quote, call us today at 724-335-7177

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